
"If I had to choose a way to die, it'd be with you, in a goosebump infested embrace."

Friday, February 20, 2004

11:55 AM

Think of me sometimes, I'd never tell. Do you recognize me, think that you know me well? I think that you're changing, configurating. Destroyed the lines that fed the good to your heart.

This week went by so fast. It's nice to have only four days. Every school week should have only four days. I have been so lazy this week, next week will be better. I have been kickin' ass this semester, I needed a week like last semester, it just so happened that this week would be it. Hey, at least it wasn't a five day week. And I didn't have any papers or tests this week. I rock...

I do not know what I am doing this weekend. Me and "The Boy" will be doing something I am sure. We rent movies, a lot of freakin' movies (I enjoy movies with him). We rent so many movies that Movie Guy gave us a free pass to the movie theatre here. In order to receive one of these golden tickets, one must rent 20 movies. Oh, and we have rented 20, more like 20 billion. Currently, we are working at obtaining our next free movie pass. That way we can go to the movie theatre together. Going to a movie alone has such a atrabilious feel. I think it best to avoid that.

I must bore you all. I am not exciting. Reading this must be like getting stranded in the desert with only crackers.

My mom makes me bleed. For her, or for myself, I do not know.

I forgot to put my watch on this morning. I was early too. But only because I didn't blow dry or straighten my hair. I hope that "The Boy" loves me despite my disheveled appearance. I am wearing wrinkled jeans, Kelsie's shirt, and my hair is still damp from my shower. I need new shoes. That would help.

What are you doing this weekend? Maybe it involves rituals and torture? Please take me with you.

Run with the hunted as you come. Run with the hunter, I was one. But I will make you change your mind.

// posted by Monday

©2004 Megan Flynn