
"If I had to choose a way to die, it'd be with you, in a goosebump infested embrace."

Monday, March 01, 2004

9:33 PM

It seems to be the "thing" nowadays to write about your weekend. How junior high?! Well, whatever, I guess I might as well be a sheep. Sheep is singular right? Otherwise would it be "ship"..ex: I am a ship. or I am a sheep. Definately the latter. I am the best Eng. major ever. So, once again, I am a sheep. I will write about my weekend. "Sheep, you are all sheep." ~Can't Hardly Wait (good movie, Ethan Embry is super cute.)

My weekend By: Megan P. Flynn

Friday night "The Boy" had play practice. So, while he was there I went out and rented some movies and bought a cheesecake for him. Then when he was through, I gave him two out of his three presents, we ate cheesecake and watched a movie. Nothing exciting for my readers there.

Saturday, "The Boy" and I went to S.F. with Bryce, Lindsey, Tony, Paula, Val, Molly, and Brenna. Our first destination was the Great Plains Zoo. That was great, I was privileged enough to see a monkey boner, a rhino doing figure eights, and a penguin poop. I have been to the G.P. Zoo many a time, and not once have I ever witnessed such barbarity. The monkey's "appendage" was bright pink and ummm...quite obvious. I wished I would have had a camera. After the eventful trip to the zoo, we headed to the Century Theatre. While purchasing nine tickets for The Passion of Christ I noticed a sign on the ticket counter. It read "The Passion of Christ contains graphic violence. This is your warning." Hmmm...they weren't kidding. Maybe we should have stayed in the "Video Game Area" or whatever it's called. "The Boy" could have impressed me with more of his "groovy" dance moves. But alas, I witnessed the brutality of Christ's crucifiction. Great birthday movie. Like I didn't already know that Christ's last days we filled with agony. We go from Funny-Zoo-Trip to Depressing-Kill-Yourself-Movie. Talk about an emotional roller coaster. Then came Hu Hot. Good food, good company, not much else to say. Oh, but wait, before that we went to a "Learning Toy Store," who knew there was such a thing. And, Jenny, that is where I got the HELLO KITTY IN AN ELEPHANT SUIT pen!!! They also have monkies, and giraffes, and...I can get you one too! Oh ya, "The Boy" bought a harp there. I definately think HELLO KITTY IN AN ELEPHANT SUIT beats a harp. After Hu Hot, came Barnes and Noble and Best Buy. "The Boy" was going crazy buying stuff with his new found b-day money. And he says I have a shopping problem. He was drunk by then, he's such a light weight ;). I guess he was "a little warm," sooo cute:)! Once in Madison, Bryce and Jeff had purchased "The Boy" a really kick ass DVD. So we watched that til everyone but Tony and Carl fell asleep.

Sunday morning brought church. And after watching The Passion, I was in no mood to piss God off. Following church came China Moon, once again good food, good company. And "The Boy" took his first shot there. Some of you are saying, "Since when does China Moon have alcohol?!" but I didn't say what the shot was. Sweet and sour sauce, yep, that's right. Oh, Miles. Then at noon I went to Jenny's room to head to the infamous White House, SD. Upon arriving, we discovered that everyone wasn't quite ready. So we stood around and waited. Jenny and I rode with Jackie, (Nic's fiance) to S.F. First stop was Qudoba, where Nic works. They make HUGE burritos. Everyone ate but me. I am poor, any donations would be appreciated. While consuming mass quanities of food, Jenny and I discussed a certain person, who also reads this... Ok, I will stop. I have said too much. Don't hate me. But it's sooo tempting to say more...*sigh* Anyways, we then met up with fellow CRs from USD and Augie. We sign waved for Larry from 2-4. Jenny and I froze our asses off, but had good conversation ;). Jenny thinks I should run for CR pres against Heather/Brian. So much to think about. We bummed a ride back from Brad, poor Jackie had to drive back all alone. I quick showered when I got back. Then called "The Boy," he had an attitude. And men think women are bitchy?! Well, like always, "The Boy" couldn't resist my charm and we watched Rushmore while he worked on Data Structures. Great movie!

In conclusion, this weekend brought laughs and tears (for all of my readers that are sensitive like me, maybe don't see The Passion, maybe read The Bible). I wish I could go into greater detail but I have a hall council mtg in 45 min and a sh*tload of homework to do. That's such a lame cop out, but it's midterm and spring break is coming up so IM SORRY! I'll try not to complain. I love you all. Peace, Love, Empathy (that's how Kurt signed his suicide note).

// posted by Monday

©2004 Megan Flynn