
"If I had to choose a way to die, it'd be with you, in a goosebump infested embrace."

Thursday, March 18, 2004

10:54 AM

WOW! What a week?! And it's only Wednesday! Oh, before I forget, HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!
I love being Irish!

But anyways, on to the real EXCITING stuff (aka: my week thus far).

Monday~ Monday was a whirlwind of activity. Mostly just lame school related stuff. I had 4 meetings, one of which I didn't make it to, that would be yearbook, but I did make it to the other 3. Needless to say my last meeting started at 10, and after that meeting finished I had to type up the minutes. I didn't get to my room until after 11, and I still had to do homework. Tuesday didn't get much better...

Tuesday~Jenny and I had to sit through the hellish bio lab. Our teacher, bless her heart, isn't so good with the English language. She tries, and maintains a positive attitude, but it's just really hard to comprehend the material she is trying to present. Ok, screw all the lame school stuff. One positive event yesterday blessed me with, was the College Republican meeting. Jenny, Brad, Kayla, and Shannon had been trying their hardest to convince me all evening to run for Chairman. I was content with the secretary position; I am not good with confrontation or stepping on anyone's toes.

Ok, shit, today is Thursday. I started this yesterday and never found time to finish it. I suck.

Maybe I should just give you guys the abreviated version. Tuesday, at the CR meeting, Jenny was elected SECRETARY! WOOHOO! Go Jenny, Go Jenny! Maybe we'll actually have minutes now! This whole year, I didn't even know CRs had a secretary! But now, we have JENNY!

The other positions were given as follows: Heather Devries (Vice Chairperson) and Jason Jenkins (Treasurer). Ummmm, *whisper* i got chairperson. *pause* *GASP!!!* It's ok if you're surprised, I was too.

Anyways, that was the exciting event of the week. Now it's Thursday, and I have Poli Sci in 10 min. When am I ever going to find time to create a masterpiece?! It started off interesting, but now it's too late. I could just edit the date on this to say yesterday was when I posted, but I can't lie to my faithful audience.

Just foresake me. I'll understand.

What's exciting? Hmmm... Oh, the movie Sleepers is REAL sad! Watch it, cry, it'll be a good time.

Maybe I shouldn't have put so many links in this, but since I did, you HAVE to click on every single one of them. They're funny! PROMISE! Unless you don't get internet humor, right Miles?

// posted by Monday

©2004 Megan Flynn