
"If I had to choose a way to die, it'd be with you, in a goosebump infested embrace."

Saturday, April 10, 2004

1:04 PM

No neat lyrics, no groovy links, just plain ole ramblings. I wish I could add all those spiffy lil extras I usually provide, but alas, with this computer you are lucky to get one window open at a time. In the time it took to load this page I had wrapped a present, ate some yogurt, and petted my dog. At the end of all that, it still wasn't loaded. I tried to send some e-cards, because that is what only children in bomb shelters with only Ovaltine and yogurt do, but couldn't complete that mission. I had to ctl-alt-del that one. Bastards.

I got a sticker this morning that said "Ban intolerance" it made me giggle. That's an oxymoron. My mom said..."Oh, uh, umm, hey, that's one of those one things, you know, ummm..." "Yes, Mother, that is called an oxymoron."

I am supposed to be helping set up for the new-church-members-reception. HA, but I'm not!!!

I have four loads of laundry to do, and it is 1:13 PM, and I am still in my pjs. I am going to stay in my bomb shelter forever. No one can find me here.

There is more to come...

// posted by Monday

©2004 Megan Flynn