
"If I had to choose a way to die, it'd be with you, in a goosebump infested embrace."

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

2:22 PM


Today started off like any other day. But, alas, looks can be deceiving.

After bio, I decided to go finish my lit paper, well, technically it's supposed to be a short summary about the poet we saw on Thursday. However, mine is a four page essay. And it's kick ass. So I better be getting hella extra credit. Anyways, so here I am, typing along, and Jenny pops up, soon followed by Becky (the girl I am living with this summer). We are chatting, having girl talk, when all of a sudden, "OH MY GOSH! I BROKE MY FLIP-FLOP!" Yes, indeed, I had broken my flip-flop. Broken it so bad it was impossible to walk in it. So I wandered the hall in the science center, like a homeless person. Then, dear Jenny, took pity on my poor soul. "Megan, would you like to borrow my flip-flops?" Now, that's a good friend. One who sacrifices themselves, for the good of you. Well, we thought that it was the funniest thing in the world. The lil flip-flop dangling off her foot.

Then, I shot up heroin and got knocked up. And that's the end of the story. Ha.

I think I want a pet snake for my new house. I was watching Real World the other day, and a girl on there has a pet snake. Now I have this incessable urge to get one.

I watched Queer Eye last night. It was freakin AWESOME! Except that the straight looked like a scurry ferret.

I want to go to a concert this summer. I want it to be a trend for me to go to a concert every summer. Cause that would be great....

Last summer I went to Tom Petty; it was so good. I don't think anything could top it....but I want to try.

This is a tobacco free environment. No smoking or chewing.

Don't eat the Pizza Hut buffet.

Strange days have found us. And through their strange hours. We linger alone. Bodies confused. Memories misused. As we run from the day. To a strange night of stone.

// posted by Monday

©2004 Megan Flynn