
"If I had to choose a way to die, it'd be with you, in a goosebump infested embrace."

Thursday, May 27, 2004

5:08 PM

Hello Friends.

I am sure everyone thought I was dead. But, once again, I fooled you all. Still here. In my bomb shelter. I figured I would take some time off and practice Buddhism and yoga all day long. But then I had to get a job, attend summer classes, and come out of hiding. sucks.

No, actually, it was more like since school ended I didn't have access to a computer. But today, I broke into Miles' house...he's at work. And here I am, on his computer, posting. Maybe he won't read this. That's the plus side to not posting for centuries...people simply give up on checking your site. So then, you can write whatever you want...and no one will ever know. HeHeHe...

So, news in my world is as follows:

Yes, Megan has a job. I am equally as shocked. I work at Jubilee. BUT...not as a cashier. Now here comes the irony. I work in the Deli. Those of you who are close to me would understand why that is ironic, those who aren't....well...I won't keep you in suspense: I don't eat meat. So, to sum this up for you. I work in a Deli...with meat...all day long...but don't actually eat meat. Hmmmm...tidbits to ponder...

I am taking summer classes. More like class right now. College Algebra. It's hell. I don't wish it on my worst enemy. Everyday, 2:30 to 4:30.

That's it. My life is not that exciting.

OOOHHHH. I have finally come around to watching Harry Potter. I like it, too. Not as much as LOTR, but it's not all bad. Equally as addicting as LOTR.

The new season on QE starts on June 1st. That's pretty damn exciting.

I sound lame...

Miles and I acquired our fourth free movie pass from Movie Guy...

Ok, lameness is getting worse.

Well, I better go. Miles will be home soon. Must sneak out. Through the hole in the basement.

// posted by Monday

©2004 Megan Flynn