
"If I had to choose a way to die, it'd be with you, in a goosebump infested embrace."

Friday, September 24, 2004

1:03 PM

Sitting in Visual's my last class of the week-and it feels so good.

These tablets are evil. I don't think anyone pays attention in any of my classes. It's either chatting or surfing or checking email or painting or....

No big plans for the weekend...going to S.F tonight to get a dress/outfit/something decent to wear for coronation-on duty tomorrow-sleeping and homework on Sunday.

I feel well rested today. Very unusual for me. I feel content. But who knows how long that will last.

My gum is really old. It's hard to chew. I hate that, that's like the worst thing ever.

10 more minutes. Pretty sure Brad Pitt in Snatch looks REAL good-I love all the tattoos. I love when he's all sweaty and dirty...when he's fighting...

Ok, enough drooling on my part.

Happy Birthday Tony:)

I have nothing good to write about-because I am just bored, not so much creative. I wrote my first Calculate button-thing. It figures out how many skateboards total and how much they cost-including tax. How pimp is that?!

Class is over. Have a great weekend-and a Happy Homecoming!

// posted by Monday

©2004 Megan Flynn