
"If I had to choose a way to die, it'd be with you, in a goosebump infested embrace."

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

3:31 PM

Wow, this is a record, three blogs in a week.

I feel like every chance to leave is another chance I should have took.

It's amazing how one little event could make you appreciate everything more.

My favorite season is fall. I love fall. It's like how some people like needles. Fall makes me hurt more than anything in the world, but it's a hurt I love and a hurt that I crave. My heart aches for fall. I must have been blind this whole week...but when I left Beadle this afternoon all I could see were the leaves. How did I not know fall had come? The leaves made a beautiful blanket over the ground. One little thing makes everything clear. It's like the one person you have been dying to talk to your whole life, finally talks to you. Everything is beautiful and clear, but sad and painful because you know it will never happen again. You want to hold onto it so bad. But the seasons will change...the person made everything clear...I guess that's what was supposed to happen right? But what if it could be fall forever. What if I could just crawl under the blanket of leaves and stay there...

I just want to believe.

I have a feeling I won't be writing for awhile, maybe I need to take a break. This blog seems to create problems.

I only want 5 minutes...but after 5 minutes I know I'll want another 5 min...

Peace, Love, Empathy...

// posted by Monday

©2004 Megan Flynn