
"If I had to choose a way to die, it'd be with you, in a goosebump infested embrace."

Friday, October 01, 2004

2:02 AM

Here I am, at 2 in the morning (I guess it's Friday now, but more like late Thursday night...but really Friday morning), blogging, when I should be sleeping. Especially since this weekend is Homecoming, and we all know what that means...

I guess I am doing it out of reasurrance. Reasurrance for what I do not know.

Am I the only one whose memories make them feel like vomitting? Either vomitting because they were so wonderful, and you know you can never have them back that you get weak, faint, and before you know it you have puked all down the front of your Roger Haas basketball tournament t-shirt. Or so bad that you plead with God to make you forget, but you're concentrating so hard you don't notice the growing pile of throw-up in the trash can beside your bed. You're going to need a new trash bag soon....

On a happier note,

I have a new blog design. And it is pretty damn wonderful. But only in Internet Explorer. So if you have any other browser, use IE for the full effect. Much thanks to Awayken for the design.

I was on duty tonight...exciting...all the RAs had to be back by 12:30 to search people. Semi-exciting, but not really. All the girls on my floor are super sweet though. I couldn't ask for more. I guess I would rather have dull duty nights, then crazy, drunken stupor duty nights...

This week has gone soooo fast....Good ol Homecoming;)

It's October-October is my favorite month. And my gram's b-day is on Monday (October 4)! I love Grandma...

Megan is, I hope everyone has a great weekend. I am guessing this weekend will be pretty crazy:), so I don't know if I will be able to write much. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. *hugs*

// posted by Monday

©2004 Megan Flynn