
"If I had to choose a way to die, it'd be with you, in a goosebump infested embrace."

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

4:56 PM

An Ode to a Black Car Day...

I have had an awful day. It has been one of "those" days. Why do people say that? What does a "those" day mean? Maybe the reason we have crappy days is to make good days look good. If we didn't have days like these, are good days would no longer look good. They would just be days.

So last night, I started to watch Sky Captain, and the something of tomorrow, or next year, or the other world, or something. In any case, I fell asleep about 5 min into the movie, which sucks because it is due back today, and I really want to see it:(

I was sooo tired last night, needless to say, I slept through half of my physics class.

Something fantastic just happened:) Someone added me to their messenger. My Black Car Day might improve...

Crap, now I don't have anything to write about.

I am lame.

Megan loves the Shins!!

Until then...

// posted by Monday

2:28 PM

I am working on my blog. Now go away and leave me alone...

// posted by Monday

Sunday, February 13, 2005

8:15 PM

No lyrics this time.

I couldn't find any to fit my mood. I guess because I can't figure out my mood. I am in the midst of watching Law and Order Criminal Intent. This episode is about criminal abuse, so sad.

My shoulders ache. I worked out this evening. Roughly a half an hour ago.

I have been so busy as of late. Tomorrow I have two tests and a speech and it is Valentine's Day. It is going to SUCK.

Not much is new. I have been growing emotionally and spiritually you could say. I have been doing a lot of thinking and soul searching and life is starting to make sense. Or maybe not at all:)

This semester is going by so fast.

My mom came to visit yesterday. It was nice. We tend to be at each other's throats, but not yesterday. It was nice...except for China Moon, that caused some problems, but that's another story all together and doesn't involve my mom.

Finished my story that I have been working on.

Not much to say, and I apologize. My show is over and I must shower.

Until there is more, know that I am thinking of you:)

// posted by Monday

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

6:30 PM

I think that it's brainless to assume that making changes to your window's view will give a new perspective.

So here I am, listening to Death Cab and The Postal Service and a little bit of Thursday thrown in for flavor. I've been listening to The Spill Canvas like crazy, today I am trying to go a whole day without listening to them. I do love Death Cab though, so that helps. I am about ready to watch Waking Life. If you have never seen it, you should. I am on duty tonight. I like being on duty. Last semester I hated it, but I like being able to just listen to really wonderful music and watch a great film. That's what life should be. I am listening to Blacking Out The Friction right now, have I ever told you how much I love that song. I am going to The Spill Canvas concert on Feb. 26, and if I don't go, you will never see me again:) I can not wait.

My life has been pretty uneventful as of late. I went to the Coral Reef. At the IMAX theatre. At the Washington Pavillion. Let me tell you, I know what I am doing for the rest of my life:) I don't want our Coral Reefs to die anymore.

Go see Hotel Rowanda, In Good Company, and Kinsey. Please. And if you don't like them, don't try to find me. I actually haven't seen Kinsey...or Hotel Rowanda for that matter. But I think they will be excellent. And I plan to see them. Especially Hotel Rowanda. Now for Waking Life...

Sleeping In. Great Song.

Last week I had the strangest dream. Where everything was exactly how it seemed.

// posted by Monday

©2004 Megan Flynn